ADT Sensors can be a true godsend when they function correctly. Like practically every other piece of technology, they can be VERY frustrating when they don’t.
From triggering false alarms to simply not responding as they are supposed to, users of these otherwise fantastic devices often encounter a few common problems. This article will discuss five of the most common problems and provide practical solutions for troubleshooting and fixing them.

1. How Long Do ADT Sensor Batteries Last?
The longevity of your ADT sensor batteries varies depending on several factors. These include the type of sensors you have, how heavily each is used, environmental conditions, the quality of the batteries in the sensors, and so on.
Usually, your ADT sensor batteries can last up to 2 years before needing a recharge or replacement. However, heavy sensor usage, as well as some of the other factors mentioned above, can reduce the battery life to less than that.
In case your ADT sensor runs out of batteries, you will want to get a replacement. Since these sensors come with non-rechargeable batteries, getting new ones is the best bet when your sensor runs out of batteries.
When replacing your sensors’ batteries, ensure you get the correct battery for the correct sensor. The table below lists the recommended batteries for each ADT sensor:
ADT Sensors | Recommended Battery |
Door/Window Sensor | 1 CR2 Battery |
Premium Door/Window Sensor | 1 CR2 Battery |
Motion Sensor | 1 CR123A Battery |
Keychain Remote | CR2450 Battery |
Water and Temperature Sensor | CR123A Battery |
Smoke Detector | 3 CR123A batteries |
Glass Break Sensor | 4 CR123A Battery |
While ADT sensors come equipped with non-rechargeable batteries, you can replace them with rechargeable ones if you wish. Just make sure you get the right battery for the right sensor, and you should be fine!
Pro Tip: We always recommend that you have spare batteries for each of your sensors. This way, you can quickly replace the batteries on your sensors when they are low and never have to be in a situation where your sensor fails due to a drained battery.
2. How to Turn off ADT Sensor?
Turning off your ADT sensors can be a little tricky. Unlike most other security sensor systems, you can’t do it directly from the sensor.
There are several ways you can use to turn off your sensor.
- You can use your ADT control panel. The ADT panel is the central device that allows you to manage and interact with your security system. If your ADT security system comes with a panel, you can use it to turn off your sensor.
Here are the steps to using the Panel:
- First, you must ensure your system is disarmed. If it is armed, you cannot bypass any sensor.
- Open the ADT pulse app on your touchscreen panel.
- Navigate to the sensors screen within the app.
- Locate the sensor you want to turn off in the list of other sensors.
- Tap the sensor to view its details.
- Select the option to bypass the sensor you want to turn off. Doing this will temporarily deactivate the sensor while the system is armed.
Please note: These specific steps may vary depending on the version of your ADT pulse app. That’s why it is recommended that you stay up to date.
If you don’t know how to disarm your system, follow this process to get it:
- Enter your security code to access the main menu of your ADT panel.
- Locate the disarm option within the menu.
- Enter your disarm code to disarm the system.
- You can use your Phone: The second method to turn off your sensors is through your phone, especially if the control panel does not come with your ADT security system. Even if you have the control panel, you can still use your phone to operate it. All you need to do is ensure your sensors are connected to the mobile app or tablet.
This is how you turn off a sensor using the ADT mobile app on your phone.
- Open the ADT app and log in to your account.
- Navigate to the sensor or device management section within the app.
- Select the option to disable or bypass the sensor you want to turn off.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the action and exit the menu.
You can always contact their customer support for assistance if you encounter any issues.
- The last way to turn off your sensor is to remove the battery. It is not advisable to use this method, but you can use this fast method. All you need to do is take the sensor you want to turn off, insert a small flathead screwdriver into the cap’s slot, slide the sensor’s end cap, and remove the battery.
Before turning off your sensors, it’s essential to consider a few factors. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is there a particular issue with my sensor that could be resolved without turning it off?
- Am I aware of the potential consequences? Turning off the sensors means you will lose the protection it provides. Make sure you’re comfortable with the decision.
Once you’ve carefully considered these questions and determined that turning your sensor off is the right decision, follow any of the procedures above.
3. How to Reset ADT Sensor?
Before doing a reset for your sensor, you need to understand why you might do a reset.
Your ADT sensor may require a reset if it’s not responding correctly, if there’s a false alarm, or if there is a power outage.
To reset your ADT sensor, follow this procedure:
- Go to your security system panel, where you control all your ADT sensors.
- Enter your master code; it is the same code you use regularly to arm or disarm your system.
- Find the reset sensors option in the menu settings.
- Choose the sensor you want to reset.
- After selecting, confirm the reset.
- Wait for the system to reset the sensor. It will only take a few seconds. Once it has done so, it will signal you when the reset is complete.
- Check the sensor to see if it has successfully reset.
If you want to reset more than one sensor, you’ll need to select the one that needs resetting.
What is the difference between a standard and factory reset of an ADT sensor?
A normal reset of an ADT sensor temporarily turns it off for maintenance or troubleshooting, but a factory reset restores the sensor to its original default settings.
This process will delete all custom configurations, such as sensor names or unique settings, and reset the sensor to its original condition as if it were brand new.
Can I reset my sensor without removing the battery?
You can perform a normal reset on your ADT sensor without removing the battery.
Can I use my phone to reset my sensor?
Yes, you can reset your ADT sensor using your phone.
Pro tip: If you prefer to use your phone, just follow the same procedure for resetting it using the control panel.
4. What Happens When ADT Sensor Battery Dies?
The battery is an essential component that keeps your sensors working and functioning. If your ADT battery dies, the sensors will stop working. They won’t detect motion or function as they should. When the battery is dead, you won’t receive any alarms or notifications, making your security vulnerable.
If your sensor battery dies quickly, you might wonder what could cause it.
Here could be the most likely cause:
1. High usage:
If your ADT sensor is constantly triggered, it will consume more power, which can drain the battery faster.
2. Extreme temperatures:
Exposure of your sensor to extreme heat or cold can impact your battery, causing its lifespan to reduce.
3. Low-quality battery:
This is another factor you must consider if you notice your battery drains quickly. Most times, you may be carried away with the battery you use for your sensor. But you need to understand that each sensor requires a good battery to function well. Using a low battery will make the battery die faster.
Tip: The recommended battery for each sensor is above. Check it to confirm if you’re using the exact one.
4. Improper installation:
It is possible that you did not set the battery well for the sensor, which may have caused it to drain quickly.
5. Faulty sensor:
If your sensor is faulty, it may consume more power than usual, leading to a quicker battery drain.
Now that you know what can cause your battery to drain, what is the solution to prevent it?
Check this out:
- Ensure the sensors are correctly installed, and the battery is positioned well.
- Use high-quality batteries and charge them regularly. At least once per year.
- Protect your sensors from severe temperatures and any environmental threats.
- Regularly test and maintain your sensors to discover and address any issues.
Why Are My ADT Sensors Not Working?
Here could be why your sensors are not working, and this is what you should do if you find yourself in such a situation.
- Dead or low batteries:
Dead or low batteries are a typical cause of sensor failure. If your ADT sensors’ batteries are worn out or going low, they will stop communicating with the ADT security system, making it unable to trigger any alerts.
To address this issue, replace worn-out sensor batteries and consider using recommended, high-quality batteries. Also, monitor your battery levels regularly to avoid these unexpected failures.
- Sensor misalignment or obstruction:
Sensor misalignment or obstruction can cause inaccurate event detection, resulting in false alarms or no work at all.
Ensure that your sensors are aligned and securely placed following ADT requirements. Check for any physical obstacles, such as furniture or decorations, that could obscure your sensor’s field of vision or interfere with its function. Adjust the sensor’s location as needed to guarantee optimal performance.
- Sensor Malfunction:
In some cases, sensor malfunction or hardware failure might cause sensor difficulties. This could result from a technical error from ADT, wear and tear over time, or external factors causing harm.
If you suspect a sensor issue, please get in touch with ADT customer service for troubleshooting assistance or to schedule a professional inspection and repair of the damaged sensor.
- System software updates:
Updates in your ADT security system’s configuration or software can cause the sensor to get worn out.
Ensure your system is configured correctly and all sensors are enrolled and configured in the control panel. Your sensors need to have the latest version for them to work.
ADT sensors are a crucial component of your home security system, giving both protection and peace of mind. By implementing these solutions, you may increase the dependability and utility of your ADT sensors, ensuring that a perfect security system secures your home.
You can contact ADT customer service for assistance if you encounter any difficulties.